
10 Tips For Running In Winter

Rain, cold temperatures and fewer daylight hours won’t stop endurance athletes from keeping up with their training regime. However, it’s important to prepare and be cautious when running in winter. We’ve put together a list of tips and gear that will help you keep training and perform well across the winter season. 

The Benefits of Running in the Cold

Athletes that love to push their limits will no doubt be attracted to running in the cold. It’s worth noting that colder temperatures affect how your muscles contract, meaning your pace might not be as high as in summer. Plus, you’ll want to take it steady when running in the dark and on icy or wet surfaces. However, even if you’re not hitting your top speed or distances, there are still lots of benefits to running in the cold, including:

  • Helping you acclimatise to lower temperatures (known as cold habituation). By repeatedly exposing your body to cold conditions, it learns not to release as many stress hormones in response. As a result, your blood stays closer to the skin and makes you feel warmer

  • Boosting your metabolism due to thermogenesis, a high-energy process the body uses to stay warm in cold temperatures. This, alongside shivering, means your cold weather workouts are likely to burn more calories than those in the summer

  • Our body responds to cold weather exercise by turning white fat into brown fat. Brown fat doesn’t just help maintain your core temperature but is thought to have less health impacts than white fat

  • Enhancing your heart health by testing out your cardiovascular system. Blood has to flow faster around the body just to maintain core temperature in the cold, so running in these conditions will work your circulation even harder

  • Improving your lung function with colder, less humid air challenges your respiratory system and increases its efficiency. Some studies have found that this can increase the endurance capacity of athletes, including runners

Beyond the physical advantages, running in the cold also benefits your mood and mental fitness. Keeping up regular training sessions, particularly if you manage to get out in the daylight, will help you keep seasonal affective disorder (SAD) at bay. Symptoms of this include low self-esteem, stress and anxiety. 

The more difficult conditions will also change your mental approach to running. It’ll not only test your resilience and give you mental tools for future races (even getting out in the cold can challenge your motivation) but also force you to embrace a slower pace. This can help you reconnect with the outdoors and rediscover your enjoyment for running.

1.  Choose the Best Cold-Weather Running Gear 

To perform at your best, you need to maintain your core temperature. You also want to stay comfortably warm and dry when you’re running in the rain, wind and cold. Depending on your personal preferences, the ideal winter running wardrobe will include: 

2. Take Time to Warm Up 

Like with any other training session, to perform at your best, you need to raise your heart rate and get your muscles moving freely. In colder temperatures, this can take longer than usual but is equally as important. If you want to get yourself warm before heading outside, you could jog on the spot, do jumping jacks and do some static stretches inside first. 

3. Plan Your Route

As always, knowing exactly where and how far you’re going to run will help you stay safe. If the weather is bad, you’ll want to avoid remote areas. During darker hours, sticking to well-lit roads or sidewalks  is recommended. Keeping the mileage relatively low and ensuring your route starts and ends at home or another warm indoor space means you don’t have to be in the cold for any longer than necessary.  

4. Be Visible on the Road or Trails

Daylight hours are shorter in winter. Plus, rain clouds can quickly appear and reduce visibility. So wearing reflective items, bright colours and lights will help you be seen. If you’re heading out onto the trails or are running along roads, this is particularly important. Running with bone-conducting earphones or completely without them will help you stay aware of changes in your surroundings. 

5. Choose the Right Running Shoes

Even the flattest paved roads can become hazardous in winter. Rain, sleet, snow and ice can all put you in danger of slipping. You can also misjudge changing conditions and terrain if you’re running in reduced light. If you’re heading out on trails, your steps may become even less sure. As such, you need to choose running shoes with a good grip, whether you’re heading out on roads or cross country. 

To make sure your feet stay warm and dry in slush and rain, choose a pair with waterproof uppers. Having moisture-wicking, thermal socks will also help your feet stay comfortable in the cold and wet. 

6. Layer Up

By wearing several lightweight, thermal and breathable layers, you can stay at the right temperature without being weighed down. Start with good quality, moisture-wicking base layers and add on an extra shirt, jacket and accessories (such as gloves and headwear) depending on your preference. You can then easily wear or remove as conditions or your core temperature changes. 

7. Adjust Your Pace

Cold, high winds can make breathing more difficult; slippery terrain can be hazardous and lower temperatures can affect your muscles’ performance. All these factors mean your pace is likely to drop. In fact, you might want to jog or walk on some parts of your route, like technical trails or icy roads. Instead of focusing on speed, use your winter runs to maintain fitness or enjoy some mindfulness. 

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8. Double-Check the Weather

Knowing whether you’re going to face rain, sleet and high winds will help you wear the right gear to stay comfortable. If you’ve not run in the cold much before, you might also want to avoid more extreme conditions to start with. Checking the wind direction and planning a route so you’re running into it on the way out and away from it as you return will mean you’re less exposed to wind chill. 

9. Set Achievable Goals

Significant mileage, high pace and the most technical trails aren’t likely to be the safest options during winter. Slips and falls, overexposure to the cold or training in the worst weather may all cause injury or fatigue that will later affect your running performance. So, you should adapt your training plan to winter conditions. 

For example, if you have a certain mileage target, split it up into more runs of smaller distances. Or, if you want to increase pace, use an inside track for speed sessions while heading outdoors for maintenance runs. 

10. Know When To Stop

If you’re unsure how the conditions outside will affect you, set a timer for five minutes and run at a steady pace for that time. As soon as you start to experience any discomfort, such as shivering, numbness in your extremities or difficulty breathing, you should turn for home or a warm indoor space. 

Staying in sweaty gear will make it more likely for you to catch a chill. So when you do get inside, change out of your running kit and head into a shower or put on dry clothes immediately. Having a thermos with a hot drink or soup will keep your internal temperature stable and help you rehydrate quickly. 

Winter Running Tips for Women

With limited daylight hours, women might feel unsafe heading out to run in wintertime. However, there are a few steps you can take to enjoy your cold weather sessions:

  • Share your route with your housemates (and let them know how long it should take) before you head out or send your location to them live using a GPS tracker app 

  • Plan lunchtime runs when possible so you can make the most of the small window of daylight

  • Get a running partner who can come with you, set the pace and make the whole experience more enjoyable

  • Take a fully charged phone so you can call for help if needed. Keep in mind that cold weather can cause your battery to drop more quickly, so it’s important to be prepared

Shop Winter Running Gear from GOREWEAR

GOREWEAR’s running apparel is made for all-weather athletes. This means many items are designed to help runners stay comfortable in winter weather. From waterproof jackets to moisture-wicking base layers and thermal socks, we’ll help you perform at your best in any conditions or season.